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Notice to LLC Owners

Good Paperwork Could Save Your MoneyA Timely Notice to Owners of Limited Liability Companies – Especially Those With Only One Member

Under the limited liability company statutes, multi-member limited liability companies provide limited liability for the members and managers of the company. However, single member limited liability companies do not automatically provide limited liability. Limited liability for single member limited liability companies is a facts and circumstances issue. Limited liability is more likely to be upheld if the LLC has proper structure of set-up and adequate evidence and records to verify that the company was properly operated under the limited liability company umbrella.

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Ten Essential Business Functional Areas

essential business functional areasWhen designing a business it is critical that all aspects of the business be addressed. It will not work to concentrate on sales or production or any other part of the business and ignore other parts. So, what are all these other parts that you should address?

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Understanding Risk Management

Understanding Risk ManagementRisk management covers a wide range of business functions including; business legal entity selection and maintenance, insurable areas, safety management, financial accuracy and theft protection, employee actions, and more

Insurable risks of loss

The fact that your business is a limited liability entity helps manage risk to other assets but does not relieve you from certain legal insurance requirements. The following insurances represent the basic types of insurance required.

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