Business Basic Foundation Pieces

Writing out your vision is a powerful tool to truly understand your financial world mapPreviously I spoke about building a foundation for your business.

So, let’s talk about the 4 basic foundational pieces; How they are created, and What information will be needed to create them.

The four pieces are:

Creating your business vision (click for PDF worksheet)

A business is designed to achieve the vision for that business. The vision is not the goal for the business. A vision is how the business looks once it is complete. A goal is looking to the future, a vision is a look back to how you arrived at the results.

So, your vision is the business when finished. From the point of view of the vision you will be able to look back to see the process of its creation. You will describe what the business has contributed to your “personal aims.” Personal aims are things and ideas that you provide to the world by your actions. These contributions are how the world will remember you.

Your Vision Will Describe:

Your Financial World Playing Field

Creating the playing field picture.
This picture will show your financial world and its many aspects. Draw in the “playing field picture” all of the “players” in your game. “Players” are separate entities or activities that make up your financial world. The sample below shows some of the possible players and some of the relations between players. (click for a PDF version of the sample Financial World Map)

A sample of a Financial World Map

Written Descriptions.
To complete the process, take each player separately and write out in as much detail as possible, a description of the entity or method of holding, its purpose, why it was acquired or developed, what you expected from the player over time, how it is meeting your expectations, and how that player relates to the other players in the playing field.


Shelf Assets Worksheet (click for PDF worksheet)

Shelf assets are resources that may be used to begin or expand your business. Shelf assets extend well beyond those things and concepts that actually belong to you or to the business itself. When looking at these resources, don’t limit yourself to looking close to home. Be on the lookout for resources held by others that you may have access to under some circumstances.

The list of shelf assets will contain some or all of the following, and could include other items not on this list. You should try to include any resource or asset that might be available to your business, and may include people other than yourself who are willing to share knowledge and/or information that will be useful or needed.

Your three basic strategies

Strategies determine how you will address various aspects of the business. You should determine all three of these plans before beginning the start of the business or the start of the growth of your existing business.

Your Entrance Strategy
Describe: How your getting into this business, what will this business provide to you, how this business will meet your financial requirements. The business will you be in.Based on your basic strengths and skills describe what existing market need will your business meet. How you intend to enter the choosen market. How this business will satisfy existing market needs. This description will include:

Your Operating Strategy
The structure may be to; (remain small with few employees and micro-managed by you; somewhat larger with several employees with you as primary manager but using middle managers; large operation with many employees and the likelyhood that you will eventually have to step asside for professional management). How your business will meet the needs of the six groups of people you will need to deal with; (Owners, Customers, Workers, Vendors, Financers, and the Community). The management style will you use in the business. The operating strategy will address:

Your Exit Strategy
When, how and with what will you leave this business. How you will get out of the business. How you will know it is time to leave the business, how will you know when the business has met your intentions for starting the business?