Tax Planning Workbook - 2021 and Beyond
This workbook is a hands on process. Our intent is to show you the process of producing a tax plan for your business.
Tax Planning is to make you aware of:
- Some of the many tactics allowed by tax law.
- Ways you can maneuver business activities to bring taxes down both business and personal.
- The process of developing a tax plan.
Getting started:
You will need your business’ financial statements year to date. These statements then need to be projected to the end of this calendar year.
- Answering a group of questions will provide additional information used in developing your plan.
- Included worksheets help to select tax tactics you may want to use.
- All selected tactics are governed by IRS rules you will be required to follow those rules to implement the tactic and there will be costs to implement.
Most likely you will not be able to finalize your plan until you know how to activate the tactics and cover their costs. However, you will be well on to planning this year and next.